importmulti "requests" ( "options" )

*bitcoin-cli help importmulti

importmulti "requests" ( "options" )

Import addresses/scripts (with private or public keys, redeem script (P2SH)), optionally rescanning the blockchain from the earliest creation time of the imported scripts. Requires a new wallet backup.
If an address/script is imported without all of the private keys required to spend from that address, it will be watchonly. The 'watchonly' option must be set to true in this case or a warning will be returned.
Conversely, if all the private keys are provided and the address/script is spendable, the watchonly option must be set to false, or a warning will be returned.

Note: This call can take over an hour to complete if rescan is true, during that time, other rpc calls
may report that the imported keys, addresses or scripts exist but related transactions are still missing.
The rescan parameter can be set to false if the key was never used to create transactions. If it is set to false,
but the key was used to create transactions, rescanblockchain needs to be called with the appropriate block range.
Note: Use "getwalletinfo" to query the scanning progress.

1. requests                                                         (json array, required) Data to be imported
       {                                                            (json object)
         "desc": "str",                                             (string) Descriptor to import. If using descriptor, do not also provide address/scriptPubKey, scripts, or pubkeys
         "scriptPubKey": "